New Year Resolutions

It’s the end of 2010 and here comes 2011. I know it’s a bit late to write this since it’s 10th January today, but who cares! haha..Anyway, time really does flies, can’t imagine that 2010 pass that fast, so many things happen, so many things changed. Neither good or bad, it’s still part of the…

All about Harry Potter

It’s November! Which means Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 would be release on this month! 18th November 2010! Excited about it!! Although, many non-book-reader audiences in Malaysia isn’t looking forward to the movie, for example, my dear colleagues. Only one of them is looking forward to the movie. The others said that…

Gizwiz Halloween Party

It was Halloween!!! I’ve never attend any Halloween Party before this. I’ve always wanted to do something on Halloween! Attending a costume party.. Guess what I would be if I can choose what costume to wear on Halloween! Some of you might have already know! YES! CORRECT!! Lord Voldemort!! The Dark Lord! He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named! However, too…

Back to Gizwiz Studio

Yoyo! Finally I’m back into Gizwiz! Haha, glad and happy about it. Been trying to come back to this company since I graduated. However, due to economy crisis, I was forced to wait. But finally, thanks Andrew for not disappoint me 😛 Now, what do I miss about Gizwiz? The sea view! Wii! The ikea…

Working in Resonet

Well, it has been a month since I started my working life. Before this I was struggling whether should I or shouldn’t I blog about my working life as there is a possibility my boss could have read this! lolz. Then now here I am, thinking that it would be ok as long as I…