I guess this would be the last post about my college life.. Going to miss that! 🙁
20th June 2009. This is the big day for all students in TAR College who took external Campbell University paper. We have 2 papers for each subject, one is the Advanced Diploma from TAR College, and another one is Degree from Campbell University. It was a tough time. Imagine taking 2 papers for each subject on 9am and 2pm. It was tired and stressful. But finally we made it. Today is our Degree Convocation. ^^ Thanks to the college who offer this program since, I don’t know how many years ago, so that we don’t have to go overseas for 3 months in order to get a Degree.
Me and my family headed down to Kuala Lumpur a day before my big day. We departed at about 8pm, and arrived at 12.30am at my aunt’s house which is located at Taman Melati. Very near to TAR College.
On 20th June 2009, I woke up at 7.30am, dressed up everything, and tidy up my hair >.< We have to reach there on 8.30am to register.
My dad fetch me and drop me at college hall first, then only he went back and get ready. After I reach there I have to wait my friend to pass him his robe but he was late, so I went to register myself first as I was also late a little bit already. Talk about late, I must give credit to my classmate, Jackson. We were talking about him and wonder if he will attend the convocation, then suddenly he appeared at the back of us, it was nearly 9am and he was still wearing his casual house wear and his formal wear & robe on his hand’s plastic bag! KENG!! Have to call him ‘dai lou’ for that =.=”
Then after tidying up ourselves while queuing (we helped each other to adjust here and there.. everyone looks so nervous and excited..), we entered the hall at about 9am. 30 minutes later only lecturers came in. Saw some of our lecturer and some looks funny. Especially Ms Pheah!! She looks like a dementor 😛
Dementors – Magical creatures comprise a colourful and integral aspect of the wizarding world in the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling.
After the lecturers take their seats then only those ‘big people’ aka ‘tua liap lang’ arrived and to be seated. Then the ceremony started.
As usual in these formal ceremony, giving speech is a must and most boring session. But in our case, while those ‘tua liap lang’ giving speech on stage, it was our photo session time.. LOL
Surprisingly, this time only 2 ‘tua liap lang’ giving speech. I thought our principle of TAR College will be giving speech but I was wrong. Honestly, I don’t even know which one of them is TARC Principle 😛
After the speech, it’s time for the graduands receiving scroll. We were so nervous and adjusting our attire. Queuing and waiting to be called. ^^
Due to not many courses offer this program, so in this convocation there were not much students receiving scroll.
After all students received their scroll, it’s time for the presentation of excellence awards. In our course, my classmate, Mr. Khor, received the Wallace Ewart Prize for Computer Science!! **applause**
The ceremony ends at about 11am. IT’S OVER!! WE WERE GRADUATED!! HURRAY!! The best part of a convocation was not receiving scroll, but the after ceremony photo session!! haha..
For more photos, you can view it on my Facebook here even if you don’t have Facebook account
After the ceremony, me, my girlfriend, and my family, housemates, and one of my classmate with his family decided to go to Sunway Pyramid for a walk and lunch. However, due to our hungriness, we turn into Mid Valley instead while we were heading to Sunway Pyramid. LOL. We took our lunch at Fong Lye Taiwan Restaurant at the Gardens.
It was tasty! Cost us about RM250 for 10 person.
After lunch, we went for shopping for about 2 hours, then went back to my aunt’s house.
As for me and my girlfriend, we went back to my ex-house, and there was my birthday present from my beloved girlfriend, an acoustic guitar!! I always wanted to learn guitar but I don’t have a guitar. So this year I have a guitar!! Yay! ^^ My girlfriend even learn how to play birthday song from her friend and she play for me ^^ happy and touching.. Best present I’ve ever get in my life..
And then during that night, we went to dinner with my aunts who stay at Kuala Lumpur. There was another surprise! My uncle bought a cake from secret recipe for me to celebrate me graduated!! THANK YOU TIOH TIOH!!! Touching.. **sob sob**
After the dinner, my day was not finish yet!! We went back to my ex-house PV3 after fetching Zing from his hotel for some gathering, turns out to be a surprise party for me and Zing’s birthday!!
All my housemates were hiding with cream ready on their hand, when we entered there was this cream war!! hahaha!! here is the outcome:
After some washing and change cloths only I realized they even prepared foods for the party! It was their dinner and it was nearly 12am already! Poor thing.. Thank you very much! Clubbing Gang Rocks!!!
We play until 3am that night, and that was the end of my big day.
Finally, I here by declare 20th June 2009 as one of my happiest day in my life!!! I have my beloved girlfriend, I have my beloved family, I have my beloved friends, and I have my degree and job as well, couldn’t ask for more already ^^ And I’m really appreciate for what I have, and I hope this happiness last forever. Suddenly feel that I’m very ‘hang fuk’.. haha..
Wish everyone happy and appreciate what you have! Less complains, more appreciation might light up your day or even your life! Cheers!!!
tot u said u hate college life while u studied last time.. now going to miss tat life ar? r u kidding me? u miss ur school life? dont worry.. go master den.. u can enjoy the life again.. haha
appreciate more n less complains la k.. especially to ur boss.. haha
haiyo.. muz eng siu eng siu say miss awhile de ma.. 😛
don1.. don1 go for master d..
less complains on life.. but not on him.. 😛
don say out here la.. later he see this i die leh..
yalorr, I also surprised when he said thankful becoz got job de…r u feel guilty when you say like this? Hahahaha….should ask for more lahh, still left PS3 and iPhone to get more 'hang fuk'.