**Caution! Spoiler Ahead!!**
12th June 09, today we have a small gathering of ACO 2 TAR College. We have 7 people there, gathering and eating at Steamboat King opposite UMNO building. After the gathering, I have dated a good friend of mine, who just upgraded his status to a father lately, for a movie, and so my other friends from the gathering join us too.
This movie, Drag me to Hell, I saw it when I was checking on Golden Screen Cinema website for any updated movies. Watched the trailer and it was quite attractive! Scary and interesting story, curse! Here is the trailer..
As you can see from the trailer, I saw it was directed by Spiderman’s director Sam Raimi, so I think it should wouldn’t be disappointed. Well it end up okay.. The storyline was good, visual effects good, but the main actress, Alison Lohman, wasn’t good enough, she wasn’t natural enough. That’s what I think, maybe you guys have different thought.
The story of this movie was about a curse. I think it’s something about Satan, evil demons and etc, not really sure which religious the movie was about. The movie started when a boy was cursed and his parents bring him to see this bomoh, or shaman, then it was too late and the boy was dragged to the hell and burned to death.
Years later, there was this women named Christine Brown who grew up in farm and now working in the bank as a loan officer. She was so desperate on the promotion to become an assistant manager because his boyfriend’s mother look down on her.
One day, this scary and disgusting old lady, Mrs. Ganush, came to the bank to ask for third extension on her mortgage. In order to prove to her manager that she can handle tough decision, Christine decided to deny Mrs. Ganush’s extension. Mrs. Ganush beg her and knee on the floor. Christine who was freaked out and accidentally make Ganush fell on the floor. Ganush then was furious because she said she humiliated her in the public. That night, Ganush wait Christine in the car park and attacked her. Then cursed her by taking a button from her cloak.
After the incident, she feels weird and scared, so she went to this fortune teller and she was told that she was cursed and the evil demons called Lamia will come disturb her for 3 days and finally drag her soul to the hell. Truly, she was disturbed by the demons. The demons attacked her, hit her and make her nose bleed. Christine went to find Ganush and found out that she was dead. Running out of ideas, she went back to the fortune teller and he take her to the shaman I mention previously and ask her to pay him $10k. In the end, the shaman died and she failed to vanquish the Lamia. So the fortune teller asked Christine to give away the button as a gift in order to give away the curse. The button was kept inside an envelope.
In the end, she decided to gave the button back to Ganush as she has died. She went to her graveyard, dug out her body, and give the button formally and officially to Ganush. In the next day, when Christine was relieved and looking forward to her trip with her boyfriend at the train station, her boyfriend took out the envelope where the button was inside it. Apparently, the envelope she gave away a night before that was mistaken. That was a coin inside the envelope not the button. It was swapped accidentally while she was in her boyfriend’s car. And so, in the end, the floor cracked open and there were fire underneath it and Christine was dragged into the hell.. The end..
Overall, the movie was good. Just that sometimes the story wasn’t went smoothly. Feels like something was not right during the movie. Something that doesn’t make sense. I don’t know what was it. Can’t describe it in words. But the movie was quite scary sometimes and interesting storyline.
So, I rate this movie 6/10
I would rate it 8/10. Hahaha, funny plus horrible first time saw in the horrible movie. Hey, now I only realised your blog has setup the HP6 reminder, lol…1 month to go…
it wasn't really scary leh..
only titi come out in the sudden to scare ppl..
not tat type of horror tat will haunt ppl..
tat reminder i put it very very very very long time ago.. =.=
haha i dun really like horror movies anyway … but good review though. keep it up !!~
wow thanks! haha..
i simply write only la.. 😛