Trip to Kuala Gula

View Larger Map 1st May 2009, it was labour day and my mother decided to “jio” us go for a one day trip at Kuala Gula. Before that I have never heard of this place before and this trip was actually organize by my mother’s customer and her customer introduced her to follow their tour…

Coming Soon

**Caution! Spoiler ahead!!** 22nd April, Wednesday, Me, my mom and my dad went to watch “Coming Soon” at GSC Gurney Plaza! Yay, sounds exciting because I’ve always wanted to watch this movie after I watched the trailer cause it looks scary!! However, it turns me down.. Because it wasn’t as scary as I imagine. Trailer…

愛到瘋癲 MV (Love Crazy)

Sing: 動力火車 Power StationCompose: EllaLyrics: Hebe & 施人城 空荡荡的房间 坟墓一样安静的夜不肯死去的昨天 陪着我还在等谁你一定没有变 一定还爱我对不对眼角不能有泪水 下一秒你就会出现 爱到疯癫 苦的酸的无所谓看背叛爬上你不遮掩的脸我竟然还觉得很美爱到疯癫 伤了痛了都没感觉你要我等你到哪个期限 我都奉陪 你下楼去买烟 然后迷路迷了几天这样牵强的谎言 对我都是种慰藉你一定没有变 一定还爱我像从前嘴角不能再流血 等一下吻你不方便 爱到疯癫 苦的酸的无所谓看背叛爬上你不遮掩的脸我竟然还觉得很美爱到疯癫 伤了痛了都没感觉你要我等你到哪个期限你要我再赔上多少尊严 我都奉陪 爱到疯癫 苦的酸的无所谓看背叛爬上你不遮掩的脸我竟然还觉得很美爱到疯癫 伤了痛了都没感觉你要我等你到哪个期限 我都奉陪我都奉陪 Ella is incredible in this mv.. She’s so good.. especially at the end of the MV where she wearing the wedding gown and dance crazily..…


**Caution! Spoiler ahead** 15th April 2009, me, Yong Xuan and Kok How were going to eat sushi at Sushi King, Queensbay, as they have RM2 promotion! As usual we need to queue during the promotions periods and we have to snatch for sushies.. haha.. We manage to get Unagi, Tempura, Salmon and etc.. very worth…

Redang Trip

Day 1 Hello everybody.. hehe.. I’m back.. long time didn’t update my blog already. it’s growing mushroom and spiderweb everywhere.. phew.. Now I’m going to re-renovate this blog and now started to post a new post 😛 24th March 2009, We, ACO 2 from TARC, were decided to go for a trip with all our…

Trustworthy of Friendship

what is friendship? after 20 years of living, i’m come back to the basic definition of friendship.. how can be consider as a good friend? is it about how much effort we put in to our friends? is it about how much money we spend on friends? fetching.. everytime have gathering have to fetch BUNCH…