NOTE: Please read the half top of this post before you watch the movie, and another half after you watched the movie if you wish to really understand what Harry Potter is all about. Friendly advice, don’t expect epic fighting scenes or any explosions.. Because it was very limited.. concentrate on the storyline, it’s all the point in this movie.. don’t worry, there were much humors added to keep u out from sleep.. lolz
WOW! After 2 years waiting, including the delay if you guys remember, it was originally release on 14th November 2008, then it was delay until today, 16th July 2009.. I shall say, it was worth waiting, the movie was brilliant!! David Yates, salute! Most of the time the director stick to the original story from the book! Just another scene which was burning down the burrow added to give you guys some action scene and keep you out from sleep! Haha..
In this review, I’m not going to tell you the synopsis already, as I’ve already did 4 years ago, you guys can read it here. I think it is much more important to fill you guys up with some details in the previous story so that you can understand more in this movie. So in this half, read before you watch the movie.
First, you must remember the second movie, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret. Remember that Tom Riddle’s (Voldemort aka The Dark Lord aka you-know-who aka he-who-must-not-be-named) diary? The one that control Ginny (Ron’s sister, Harry new girlfriend in this movie) to open the chamber of secret? Yes keep that in your mind now.
Secondly, let’s refresh the prophecy from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Here is the original version and the complete version. The movie kind of cut it short =.=”
“The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies. And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not. And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives. The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies.“

Yes, this prophecy was made by Professor Trelawney. You guys may wonder, why on earth Dumbledore (Headmaster of Hogwarts) keep her to teach divination in Hogwarts while she was just keep on making nonsense prophecy, while Dumbledore interviewed her, before Dumbledore rejected her to teach Divination, she made this prophecy, which forced Dumbledore to keep her in the school cause she made such important prophecy. She made a real prophecy on movie 3 too if you can remember, about the Dark Lord loyal follower will break free and help the Dark Lord to be powerful once more.

This prophecy was mentioning Harry. Means Harry is the key to vanquish Voldemort. Originally, Voldemort don’t know this prophecy was made, but then it was overheard by a Death Eater (Voldemort’s followers) which is Snape! Professor Snape, the long hair guy that teach potion in Hogwarts. But then he didn’t heard it completely, he just heard half of it, another important part which is “he will have power the Dark Lord knows not” he didn’t know, so THAT is why Voldemort went to kill Harry while he was a baby without knowing he’s going to be half dead! He afraid that he is going to be a threat to him cause the prophecy said “The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches”. So this fulfilled what the prophecy said.
Lily Potter (Harry’s mother) tried to stop Voldemort and cast a powerful magic to save Harry, this magic needs her to sacrifice herself, by her sacrificed, produced a powerful magic shield that cause Voldemort’s spell backfired and he was half dead. In order to keep this spell working, Harry have to stay close with someone who have blood-connected with her mother, which is his aunt Petunia. THAT is why Dumbledore put Harry to stay with his uncle and aunt although he doesn’t have a happy life there. THAT is why he have to go back to stay with his uncle and aunt during each holidays.
THEN, after he was alive again, in movie 5, he tried to get the prophecy which stored in a Cristal ball at the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry of Magic, to hear the other half of the prophecy, but he failed as you remembered in movie 5 the Cristal ball was destroyed. THAT is what Sirius Black meant in movie 5 that “something he didn’t have last time”. Please re-watch the movie if u totally forgotten.
Okay, basically those are the important points you need to know before you watch the movie. The following containing spoilers including spoilers of movie 7, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
**Cautions! Spoiler Ahead!!**
In this movie, will be showing some of the memories Dumbledore collected. They were all about Voldemort. In the movie they show twice, but actually from the book Dumbledore show many memories. Beside 2 memories you can watch it in the movie, the others memories are about Voldemort’s parents. Voldemort is the descendant of Salazar Slytherin, his grandfather, Marvolo was a bad person. He hates his daughter (Voldemort’s mother) cause his mother was a witch that can’t perform magic. It was like a freak to them and they felt that was a shame. One day his grandfather was captured by the Ministry of Magic and so his mother broke free from her father. His mother then fell in love with a muggle, Tom Riddle, and she used love potion on him to get him. So when Tom was awake from the love potion, he left her. Leaving her pregnant with a baby and she name her baby after Tom and her father, Tom Marvolo Riddle. So Voldemort hate his grandfather and his muggle father, he killed both of them.
The main point of this movie is about horcrux. In order to trace Voldemort’s horcruxes.. What is horcruxes? Okay I’ll just copy paste from my previous post here:
“horcruxes is a very dark magic, very dark indeed, that make by a wizard who wish become immortal. the concept is, split out part of your soul and hide it in some object. when that person’s body is kill, that person soul can’t die yet because there’s still part of his/her soul remain out there undamage“
So that is why Voldemort couldn’t be killed. The killing curse was backfired while he was tried to kill Harry when he was a baby. But still, he is not dead. Half dead, leaving his soul wondering around the world, searching for chances to come back. Until in movie 4, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, where wormtail (one of the Death Eaters, good friend of Harry’s parents but betrayed them and cause their death, there were more details on how he betrayed them but.. well it got nothing to do with the future story so.. find out yourself :P) help Voldemort reveal his body and is powerful once more.
Voldemort made 7 horcruxes, one was remain in his body now and now still got 6 remaining.
Now recall back to the diary in movie 2, that was one of the horcrux, so harry destroyed it, which leaves to 5.
Dumbledore found one which is a ring, Voldemort’s mother’s ring and Dumbledore destroyed it which leaves down to 4.
Nagini, Voldemort’s pet which is a snake, a very clever snake and obey Voldemort’s order which is not normal for an animal to be so loyal, and Voldemort keep it around him, so Dumbledore suspect it’s one of the horcrux, now still got 3 remaining.
In this movie, Dumbledore bring Harry to a cave to retrieve another horcrux which is a locket. But it was a fake one cause taken by R.A.B, Regulus Arcturus Black, Sirius Black’s brother. Sirius Black is Harry Potter’s god father, the man that got killed in movie 5, Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. Regulus Black was a Death Eater. He was killed by Voldemort long time ago cause he betrayed him. He was mentioned in the movie, very small part of the movie and it was a CLUE!! And for those who watched the movie, at the beginning of the movie, the Death Eaters went to capture a man remember? That man is one of the clue too! He is Mr. Olivander, the wand maker, an important key of how Harry is going to finish off Voldemort.
So, now still have 2 horcruxes remain unknown. Another 2 I wouldn’t tell anymore, just leave it as a surprise for you in the final movie 😉
Then Dumbledore was killed in this movie. When he said “Severus, please” he was not begging for live, he was begging for death. He asked him to kill him before this, and continue to be a spy to spy Voldemort. Why he asked him to do so? Because while attempting to destroyed one of Voldemort’s horcrux, he was cursed, his hand was blacken and looks like dead. Actually the curse will spread and Dumbledore will die someday. So he decided to sacrifice himself, beg Severus Snape to kill him to protect Draco Malfoy. Because Voldemort give Draco a mission, which is to kill Dumbledore, he didn’t expect him to be succeed, just to punish his father for losing the prophecy in movie 5, so if Draco fails, Voldemort will kill him. So Dumbledore asked Snape to help him and killed Dumbledore instead cause he have to die anyway. And so, Draco Malfoy was saved and he don’t want Draco to become a murderer cause he knows that he is not. Dumbledore was right, while Draco tried to kill Dumbledore in the end, he doubted so long and it was hard for him to do that.
So that is what I wanted to review on this movie 😛
I understand that most of Malaysians only love visual effects and many fighting scenes movies so probably most people will hate this movie. I have one friend who said this to me before while she watched movie 5, Order of the Phoenix.
But who cares, the reviews from all around the world are very good and I think so too! The BEST out of Harry Potter series! Haha..
But I can see the director tried to make this interesting by adding a fight scene at the burrow (Ron’s house), although it was pointless but at least to make the movie more interesting.
I love the scene where they went to the cave, it was amazing! Amazing visual effects here! Forcing Dumbledore to drink the potion looks awful! And the scene where Harry drunk the luck potion, it was funny. Never see Harry act like that before.
Also, I must give compliment to all the actors and actresses in this movie. All the young actors and actresses were good! However, I love Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix Lestrange, she was the BEST! And Jim Broadbent was really good in acting as Professor Horace Slughorn, he was really as the book described!!
Oh ya, this movie emphasized on our main characters love story either. Ron and Lavender Brown, Ron and Hermione Granger, Harry and Ginny Weasley. It was kind of interesting watching their love story. Haha..
Actually, this movie is a preparation for movie 7, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. All the important points showed in this movie are the key points on how Harry is going to finish off Voldemort in movie 7.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will split into two parts!! The first release date is 19th November 2010, and the second release date is 15th July 2011. CAN’T WAIT!! There will be an epic FIGHT on movie 7!! BIG WAR IN HOGWARTS IS COMING!
IMDB rated this movie 8.3/10, as for me, I rated this movie 9/10, 1 mark taken cause originally there was a fantastic fight scene at the end of the story but the movie taken it out, kind of wasted.
dude, nice analysis post.
however, if for those who read those books would find this movie will go far bit different as compare to previous few movies.
well, i would say that, if this is the prologue for 7th episode, yes it made it.
hopefully 7th will be more imagination space and more what an audience want, magic school doing magic.
I can see you are trying to explain it very detail, coz I found out there is too much aka de. Hahaha…
thanks anonymous, may I know who you are? probably u won't come back to see my reply.. haha..
yup, it was definitely a prologue for the 7th episode. I wouldn't expect they put everything from the book on the cinema, or else it would be much more boring for those who don't read the book..
I'm looking forward to the final epic war in Hogwarts! ^^
Zing, have to do that, if not those who dunno who is who very difficult to understand, i somemore post all their photos @.@
last night i took out my book, and read them over. Tell you honestly, u are just like sitting at the corner, looking them 'acting' in front of you.
TQ chuanhft for your comprehensive analysis.
I will go to watch the movie this Sunday. Cant wait for it!!
chuanhft, 你的电影原声带那里下载的,可以email或给我link吗?我也要放在我的BLOG。 TQ。
ur welcome, enjoy ur movie yea 大米 ^^
Nice analysis my fren, u such make such a great detail of Harry Potter Movies. Very impressive indeed and can't w8 2 watch d last 2 episode of Harry Potter.
haha.. thanks.. just to help those ppl understand more on harry potter.. coz it's not "just a kid movie"
wahh … kau giak really detailed review for the movie. you also gave spoiler to book 7 liow ahah. i noe u very excited haha. lucky i already read the book haha.
but yea i do agree this movie did build a nice foundation to accommodate the coming book 7 movie.
haha you have to endure another agonizing 16 months wait to the next movie which ironically is also split into 2 movies lol. good luck =D
if not detailed enof many ppl can't catch up ma.. XD
if really wanna hiam, actually i prefer the director cut down the love scenes and add in the memories at marvolo's house.. the 1 tat showing Voldemort's parents.. tat will get ppl to noe voldemort more and make ppl excited..
hano.. countdown to movie 7 part 1, still got 487 days left XD
Hi there…
Just wanna say that I really love ur analysis here.. I asked some of my friends to read it since they also said the movie was damn bored.. For a fan like me.. it was very interesting as the movie becomes darker and the important plots is being shown…
only the true follower can really understand the movie..
hopefully.. someday.. most of malaysians will start to change their attitude on wathing movies.. despite of hoping for more CGI effects and action.. typical movie watchers i guess.. haha..
hi anonymous, thanks for your support.. helping me promote my blog.. haha
yea.. really hope malaysians can change their attitude on watching movies.. a lot of nice movies GSC don bring into malaysia because there's no market value.. **sigh**